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Bath and Wells MAT

Year 6 - Eagle

Cricket workshop: 30th April 2024

On Tuesday 30th April, Year 6 enjoyed an afternoon workshop led by Tilly from Somerset Cricket Club. 

The children participated in some accuracy activities and indoor batting! Well done all.

Here are some photos:


World Book Day: 7th March 2024

What a fabulous selection of characters we have been celebrating in Year 6 today: animals, wizards, queens, kings, superheroes, fairy tale characters and more! 

The children received a lovely assembly today led by Mrs Venning showing the uniqueness of books and all of us! 

This afternoon, the children will be telling their stories (from their fairy tale character) to children in Year 5!

Here are some photos of us in our costumes! 

Rocktopus: 6th March 2024

On Wednesday 6th March, Year 6 took part in a Rocktopus session, organised for the whole school by Mrs Edwards. We looked at how we can involve our times tables within singing and creating moves that are going to get us active and help us to remember the times tables!

The children even got to make their own music video which we can't wait to see! 

A very loud and hugely enjoyable afternoon had by all children, rocking away! 


Year 6 Storyteller session: 26th February 2024

On Monday 26th February, Year 6 enjoyed a workshop from our guest storyteller, Sharon Jacksties. Sharon told the children a fantastic story about a boy from China (ask your child if they can retell you the story!). The children were all fully engaged in listening to the words of the storyteller. Afterwards, we discussed Sharon's techniques as a storyteller: using gesture; changes in volume and intonation; use of body language; use of props and eye contact. 

Our Year 6's are going to be incorporating some of Sharon's techniques this week and next week as we work on retelling our stories, which will will be taking from our informal letter. We will share the results with you! 

Here are some photos:

Year 5 and 6 Share a Story: 12th January 2024

On Friday 12th January, Years 5 and 6 held a Share a Story session in the school library. Parents were invited in to enjoy story time with their children. It was a great success, here are a few photographs.


Year 6 - Salvation Army Visits: 9th January 2024

Over the past term, Year 6 have been enjoying weekly visits to The Salvation Army on Tuesdays to join members of the community and staff members to partake in a morning of boccia. Boccia is an accessible sport, which is similar to bowls, focusing on tactical awareness. The children have attended in small groups and have really enjoyed helping with the activities and having fun with the members of our local community. This has helped to create positive community links with our school.

We are looking forward to working with The Salvation Army more throughout the year. Here are some photos from our most recent visit:


Year 6 - Climate Change Conference: 7th December 2023

On Friday 7th December, Year 6 welcomed in parents and carers to share our learning over the last term. 

As part of their Geography learning, Year 6 have been learning all about Climate Change; the causes, the effects and what can be done do reduce it. The learning has definitely been cross curricular: the children did research and created power points on the subject in computing; they designed and made their own working wind turbine in DT (where they also had to use their knowledge of electrical circuits from last term's Science learning); they wrote persuasive speeches about the use of plastic and plastic pollution in English; and finally they used their Oracy skills to bring everything together in a Climate Change Conference for parents. The children presented their PowerPoints, speeches and wind turbines using the oracy skills they have learnt- gesture, voice projection and intonation, expression, body language and the use of eye contact and engaging the audience. The conference was a great success and we thank all parents and carers who attended the afternoon.

Here are some photos from the afternoon:


Year 6 - DT Day 2023: 6th December 2023

On Thursday 6th December, Year 6 took part in our DT Day, where the children used their learning in Science and Geography to make wind turbines. Prior to this day, the children had designed their wind turbines, using their knowledge of both renewable energy sources and Science knowledge of how a wind turbine is structured and works. 

Children used a variety of skills during the day, which included: perseverance, teamwork, good communication and flexibility if their structure needed some adjustments. In addition, children used many DT skills during the day, such as: drilling, sawing, measuring and gluing. 

A fantastic day was had in Year 6! We hope you enjoy looking at the pictures below:


Year 6 - Children in Need Day 2023: 17th November 2023

Here are some photos of our Year 6's, who looked amazing in their spotty ears, badges, t-shirts and socks! 


Year 6 - WW2 museum workshop: 19th October 2023

On 19th October, Year 6 took part in a fantastic museum workshop from the Somerset Heritage Trust. The children enjoyed learning about evacuation during WW2, rationing, air raids and how and why the stirrup pump was used. The children were able to re-enact an air raid situation and experience being silent hiding underneath tables until they heard the "all clear". We are very thankful to Sharon for leading a thoroughly enjoyable morning.

Here are some photos from our brilliant morning. 

Year 6 - Assembly led by Year 6's: 17th October 2023

On Tuesday 17th October, Year 6 led an assembly to the rest of KS2. All of the children who volunteered to present and speak did a brilliant job and spoke about their RE learning this term, which included: our Christian value of 'Friendship'; the key components of justice; the difference between equality and equity; our big question that we have been answering in our RE lessons; and the importance of Moses. 

Well done to the Year 6's who presented with such confidence and maturity. 

Here are a few photos:

Year 6 - Science week and parent session: WC 9th October 2023

Last week, Year 6 took part in our school Science week, with our theme of 'connections'. We began our week in Year 3 where we needed our detective skills to try and work out who had stolen Mrs Wells and Mrs Lewis' chocolate bar! The children improved their knowledge of fingerprints, learning that a fingerprint is unique (including our own fingerprints on each hand) and how they can recognise different types of fingerprints.

On Wednesday, Year 6's had a fabulous Science lesson looking at the brain and how it is vital to the functioning of our whole body. They looked at the different parts of our brains and the different hemispheres and what each side of our brain controls. We were fascinated to learn that the right side of our brain controls the left side of our body and the left side controls the right side of our body! 

Year 6's concluded the week in Year 4 where they investigated different types of bridges, researching what makes a sturdy bridge and learning about the different types of bridges in the world. They tried making their own bridges and were limited to 15 straws! 

A fantastic week and many excellent connections were made during the week.

Here are some photos of our week:


Year 6 - History Day: 27th September 2023


On Wednesday 27th September, Year 6 enjoyed a brilliant WW2 History Day, which was led by local author and historian, Andrew Powell-Thomas. During the morning, Mr Powell-Thomas taught the children about how Hitler rose to power and the aftermath of WW1, including what this meant for Germany. Following this, the children learnt about the start of WW2 and some of the key events that happened during the war, including the Battle of Britain, the Phoney war, Dunkirk and D-Day. 

They concluded the morning's learning by looking at the WW2 links in our local community and town, Bridgwater. The children now should be able to explain to you where you can locate some pillboxes in walking distance!


Year 6 - Languages Day: 26th September 2023

Today, Year 6 enjoyed a fantastic afternoon of Chinese-themed activities! The children explored the Chinese culture, food, games, schooling and the language. During the afternoon, they were also able to experience some Chinese games and have a go at their own mandarin characters! Here are some photos of the day, including some wonderful outfits! 



Year 6 - Leavers' service: 21st July 2023

On Friday, we said a sad farewell to our wonderful Year 6's. The service was a lovely opportunity for the Year 6's to end their Primary School adventure together and share that moment with their families. They all sang and spoke beautifully and did themselves very proud. We were joined by many school staff, Reverend Catherine and Mr Moore who shared this moment with the children.

They have been a fantastic year group and we wish them all good luck for their future careers - dream big and believe in yourselves because you are all capable of so much. 

We'd also like to thank all families and children for your kindness and generosity with gifts for us. We really appreciate your thoughtfulness, kindness with the lovely cards, messages, gifts and also your support this year. We hope you all have an enjoyable and safe summer holiday. 

Here are some photos from our final day: 

Year 6 - Leavers' disco: 17th July 2023

Wow! What an evening of entertainment Year 6 had on Monday 17th July for their Leavers' Disco. They were treated with the most amazing high-quality entertainment from the Disco Queen and OSCAR put an incredible effort in to providing the children with the most unforgettable evening with many treats, balloons and surprises along the way! A fantastic evening - the children all looked amazing and danced the night away in true St John and St Francis fashion!

Here are some photos of the evening (the lighting has impacted on some of the quality of photos!)


Year 6 - Cinderella Rockerfella: 12th and 13th July 2023

On Tuesday 12th and Wednesday 13th July, Year 6 did themselves hugely proud with their performances of Cinderella Rockerfella! Our performance schedule started with a dress rehearsal to KS1 on Tuesday afternoon and then our first performance to our families in the evening. KS2 had a treat on Wednesday morning and then we concluded with our final performance to our families on Wednesday evening. The children were all absolutely amazing! Fantastic one-liners, excellent humour, brilliant jokes, incredible acting, beautiful singing and a backstage/sound and lighting team who showed their incredible talents in preparing props and controlling the technology. A truly outstanding effort and we were privileged to be part of it. 

Year 6 - Sports Day: 26th June 2023

Today, Year 6 enjoyed their final Sports Day at St John and St Francis Church School!

We began our day by watching the following video clip, which epitomised the true meaning of Sports Day to us:


We took part in a round robin of different events to begin which included: tennis ball throw, break the bank, hockey dribbling, parachute games, long jump, basketball throw and bean bag throw. We then had a short break and went into our houses for our races. Well done to all children for their perseverance, determination, teamwork and resilience. 

Here are some photos from our morning:


Year 6 - Health and Sports Week 2023

This week, Year 6 have enjoyed participating in a variety of activities during Health and Sports Week. We began the week with a fun archery session and then had our day out at Bridgwater College on Wednesday where we took part in a variety of activities such as: go-kart building, team building games, spinning (even the adults had fun on this one!), relay races, boccia, football golf and basketball. On Thursday and Friday, each class took part in a First Aid course where we gained some valuable knowledge and practical skills to be able to take forward with us in our lives. A special thanks goes to OSCAR for funding these days for our children to enjoy. 

Here are some photos from our week:


Year 6 - Kilve day five: 16th June 2023

Day five update!

A beautiful day to wake up to for our final adventure at Kilve. The children had a yummy French inspired breakfast and then we headed off for our walk to Kilve beach. On return from the beach, the children were treated to an ice-cream with special thanks to OSCAR, who funded this for every child. 

Well done to everyone for a fantastic week - we are all so proud of you all and your determination, perseverance, engagement, respect, kindness, teamwork and courage. The list could go on...

Thank you also to parents and carers for your support with this trip (including the washing you would have had to do this weekend!). 

Here are some photos from our Thursday evening camp fire and Friday beach walk.


Year 6 - Kilve day four: 15th June 2023

Day four update!

Another scorching day at Kilve! We have thundered down the hills on mountain bikes and grass sledges, done more unlikely and hilarious things on kayaks, climbed up above the KIlve skyline on the Jacobs ladder, and learnt to survive in the bush - amongst other things! The children have been fantastic and we are continuously amazed by what they can do - and so are they, many proud smiles today!


Year 6 - Kilve day three: 14th June 2023

Day three update!

Day three was a thrilling mix of water based and high-altitude excitement. Groups kayaked in the lovely surroundings of the KIlve grounds, abseiled from the dizzying heights of 'The Tower' and budding Robbin Hoods learnt how to use bow and arrow to great effect. The weather remains gorgeous and excited children have now spotted the space-hoppers we will be using for our evening activity after a suitable break following another lovely meal from the Outdoor Centre kitchen!


Year 6 - Kilve day two: 13th June 2023

Day two update!

Day two started with a brilliant breakfast, a hair salon outside the cabins and some outstanding collaboration in our team building activities. We were lucky enough to be joined by Mr McCall today who showed his expertise in some of the afternoon's activities. 

This afternoon, we enjoyed abseiling, climbing, bush craft and kayaking. We've had an aMAZEing day (the children can tell you all about this evening's entertainment on Friday!) and we look forward to more fun and games tomorrow! 



Year 6 - Kilve day one: 12th June 2023

Day one update!

After a fantastic 5 mile walk with beautiful scenery, some brilliant dam building and some lovely teamwork, we are here and all settled in our cabins for night one! The children have had a fantastic day. Here are some photos from our first day (you may spot some new characters who made an appearance for our special evening entertainment of 'cluedo'...! 


Year 6 - Trip to St Mary's Church: 24th May 2023

On Wednesday 24th May, Year 6 visited St Mary's Church to link with our Slave Trade History unit of work and Art unit of sketching. The children enjoyed learning about the history of the church and inside the church we looked at a memorial and a stained glass window which had links to the slave trade. The church's tower wardens also kindly gave the children a tour of the tower, which included the Monmouth room and clock! 

Outside, the children enjoyed sketching still-life such as: the door, architrave, stained glass windows, gravestones, tower and spire. 

Here are some photos from our visit:


Year 6 - Forest School day: 23rd May 2023

On Tuesday 23rd May, Year 6 took part in a fantastic fun-filled day of Forest School activities which was led by the wonderful Mrs Nurcombe. The children made Harry Potter wands, painted their own journey sticks, completed some pond-dipping, practised tying knots, went on a bug hunt and in groups they worked out the ages of many trees around the field! 

Well done Year 6 for your excellent effort during the day and a massive thank you to Mrs Nurcombe for a very enjoyable day.

Here are some photos of our day:



Year 6 - Park visit: 15th May 2023

On Monday 15th May, Year 6 took a very well-deserved trip to the park to celebrate finishing their SATS! They started the day with yummy sausage and bacon sandwiches and then enjoyed two hours of playing at Parkway Park. It was so lovely to watch them all play so amicably and they were even complimented by a member of the public whose young son enjoyed playing football with some Year 6's for a few minutes. Their manners were fantastic. Well done Year 6! We are so proud of you all.

Here are a few photos from our morning:


Year 6 - Coronation photo: 5th May 2023

On Friday 5th May, Year 6 came in to school wearing red, white and blue ahead of the King's coronation on Saturday 6th May.

They looked wonderful! In the afternoon, we enjoyed learning about some of the history involved in the service. 

Here are some photos of the children:


Year 3 and Year 6 PE : 26th April 2023

On Wednesday 26th April, Year 3 and Year 6 enjoyed a PE session together. Year 6 planned seven different activities for the Year 3's to take part in and they enjoyed displaying some of their leadership skills and qualities. 

It was a pleasure to witness such fantastic behaviour from both year groups: all children gave all activities their best effort and enjoyed the afternoon together.

Well done everyone! 


Year 6 - Share a story session: 21st April 2023

On Friday 21st April, Eagle class enjoyed our 'share a story' session with parents and carers; some chose to read to themselves, a partner or their family member. It was fantastic to see the children engaged in their 'free reading Friday' book/text. Well done all! 

Year 6 - Poetry Showcase: 24th March 2023

During poetry week the children had a virtual visit from the author A.F Harold, who read some of his own poems and some from a book that he has compiled and which we used as inspiration for our poetry week. 

Mrs Rhodes (English Lead) gave every year group a different poem, from the book, Midnight Feasts, to use as a scaffold for the children to create their own poems. The poem she chose for Year 6 was a narrative poem that included many different figurative devices: similes, metaphors, hyperbole, rhyme, repetition, onomatopoeia, alliteration and rhetorical questions. It was quite a challenge to produce something in the same style using all of the features, but the children did an amazing job and on Friday 24th March they were able to perform and showcase their poems to their parents and carers.

Here are a few photographs from the showcase.


Year 6 World Maths Day 2023

On Friday 24th March, Year 6 took part in a World Maths Day challenge, which involved chocolate and involve our skills as Mathematicians and knowledge of fractions.

In our classes, we had three tables set up with chocolate bars. The first had 1 chocolate bar, the second had 2 and the third had 3 bars. We took it in turns to sit down at a table based on where we thought we would receive the most chocolate. After each person, we worked out the fraction of the chocolate bar they would receive if we stopped the challenge at that point.

We used our knowledge of comparing fractions, beginning by using our knowledge of unit fractions (the larger the denominator, the smaller the fraction). We then progressed this to finding equivalent fractions and common denominators to compare the fractions from each table to work out which was the most/least.

Here are some photos from our activity. 


Mental Health Week : February 2023

In Year 6, we recognised Mental Health Week by wearing our scarves on Friday. This has helped us all recall the acronym of our PSHE scheme – Safe, Caring, Achievement, Resilience and Friendship.

In addition to this, we completed a bingo activity in the hall as a whole year group. The purpose of this was to connect with others, which is important for mental health and wellbeing. We began by looking to connect with someone who would answer ‘yes’ to each scenario e.g. likes pizza, has a sister. Their challenge was to be able to have a conversation with their peer about that and to try and speak to someone they didn’t know. After this, the children then were challenged to make their own bingo card, this time writing skills and qualities on it (using our learning from our PHSE earlier in the year) and completing the same activity: children this time had to ask their class mates who they thought would show that particular skill or quality.

This was a thoroughly enjoyable team bonding activity and will benefit the children enormously ahead of transition activities and Kilve later in the year.