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Bath and Wells MAT

Pupil Voice

The School Council is a really important part of our school community. Each year a child from year 1 to year 6 from each class is voted for by their peers to represent their views and help to make decisions within the school.

Children are voted for in a democratic process that involves them sharing why they want to be part of the school council. The class then votes for their selected representative and this is shared with the whole school.

We meet twice a half term to discuss a range of issues and create new projects. We have recently created and have been promoting whole school creative homework projects. This has been linked to a range of themes such as Christmas, Spring and Children in Need. Children’s work is then celebrated and rewarded which creates a real sense of pride.

The School Council also help with larger decisions such as staff recruitment, new policies and changes within the school. It’s a really important responsibility being part of the team as the children need to be excellent role models and the voice of their class.

Each year we strive to become more involved in different aspects of school life and are always open to suggestions.

Macmillan Coffee & Cake afternoon : September 2024

Our School Council held a fundraising afternoon for this very worthy cause, which was well supported by our school community. The event raised £232! Please click on the image below for photos of our event:



November 2023 - Shoebox Appeal

We are so grateful to the generous families who took part in our 'Shoebox Appeal' this year. Eighteen boxes were donated, an increase from last year. We hope you all enjoyed packing them at home and of course those of you who packed one online. Children all over the world and here in the UK will benefit from your kindness.

 Thank you!

 November 2023 - Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal

Demonstrating this half-term's Christian Value of Kindness, our Year 5's have been selling poppies and associated merchandise around classrooms in the fortnight leading up to Remembrance Day, and also on the playground at hometime. The total raised has been confirmed at £805.08!! 

September 2023 – Team Captains: Meet our new new Captains! 

On Friday 15th September, there was a very special celebration assembly! Year 6 team and vice captains received their team captain blazers which they have already started wearing with immense pride! They are looking forward to beginning their role and looking forward to the responsibility that brings.

July 2023 - Whole School Danceathon

Our school council (led by our school council lead - Mrs Edwards) have been super busy planning and preparing for our upcoming whole school fundraiser (danceathon on 17th July) to raise funds to support a child in Vietnam to ensure they can access an education. Education is something that we all take for granted here, but that millions of children around the world do not get the opportunity to experience without the support and funding from schools like ours who want to give something back to help enable those children to have the opportunity of an education. Our school council did themselves and us proud when they presented to the whole school this week, demonstrating amazing oracy skills, speaking clearly and confidently engaging their audience and getting their message across well.

May 2023 - New Wellbeing Ambassadors

We had a productive well-being action group meeting this week with parents, governors and staff where the new Year 2 Well-being Ambassadors were introduced to their new roles by the current Year 6 Well-being Ambassadors. The Year 2 pupils were really enthusiastic about their new important roles and are looking forward to supporting anyone who is looking for a buddy or feeling sad or lonely at playtime. They've got lots of ideas for ways to support other children on the playground. 

February 2023 : Thank You from The Salvation Army

We would like to express our heartfelt thanks to both the staff and parents/guardians of St John and St Francis for donating £81.28 towards the international work of The Salvation Army.

Our thanks to the House Captains too, for their support and willingness to collect on our behalf!

The money will be gratefully received by our colleagues in both Turkey and Syria as they continue to support the families impacted by the devastating earthquakes.

Every blessing to you and the St John and St Francis community,


Lieutenants Heather and Jonathan Culshaw

Corps Officers

November 2022 – Samaritan’s Purse : Operation Christmas Child

This year we supported this very worthy cause by inviting our family’s to take part in packing a shoebox filled with gifts! During an assembly, children were shown a video about where their gifts end up and the joy that it brings to those children, along with a sample box packed by Mrs Warner’s daughter. The boxes were filled with small gifts for children aged 2-14 years, and Mrs Marriott delivered these to our nearest collection point.



November 2022 – Odd Socks Day

On Monday 14th November, we came to school in Odd Socks, to start this year’s Anti Bullying week. This helped highlight to the children that we are all different and we celebrate what makes us different and unique.

October 2022 – Coffee & Cake afternoon in aid of MacMillan Cancer Support

Our Student Council organised a Coffee & Cake afternoon, asking parents and staff to donate cakes, and  inviting parents and family members to this event in our School Hall. Over 100 adults attended, and we raised over £300!


 October 2022 – Hello Yellow Day

Today we raised the profile of mental health and well-being by wearing yellow to school. The day was well supported by pupils and staff and pupils were invited to take part in activities within their classes to help them understand what good mental health is and how to achieve it. Even the beautiful autumn added to the yellow theme of the day.