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Bath and Wells MAT

Mental Health & Wellbeing

 At St John and St Francis school, supporting the emotional needs of the pupils within our care is fundamental to all that we do. This has involved supporting them both within and outside of the classroom, as we recognise that it is only when children feel emotionally settled and secure that they are able to properly access learning. 

If you are worried about your child’s mental health then you are not alone. Many parents and carers have similar worries and stresses. There is good support available from local and national organisations. The sooner you seek help the better for your child and you.

The staff that are directly involved in Mental Health Being at our school are as follows:

  • PSHE/RSE Lead/Senior Mental Health Lead-Emily Wells
  • ELSA trained teaching assistants-Jo Young and Zoe Evans
  • Super Wellness Champion-Teresa Weller 
  • PFSA-Kirsty Hughes 


  • Staff Wellbeing Walks – Walk and Talk (or not Talk if not wanting to!)

  • Adult Mental Health First Aiders and Thrive Practitioner

  • Care First Counselling Line

  • Golden Ticket incentive

  • Super Champion Well-being Lead

  • Senior Mental Health Lead

  • Staff information and posters to support with mental health and wellbeing from the Super Wellness portal

  • CPD opportunities linked to mental health and well being 


  • Well being action group (in each section)

  • Wellbeing Ambassadors
  • ELSA

  • Drawing and Talking Therapy

  • Buddy benches

  • Children’s mental health week

  • Wellbeing lunch club

  • SCARF approach

  • Parent Family Support Advisor

  • Emotion Coaching

  • Kooth (11+)

  • After school club
