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Bath and Wells MAT

Reception - Wren

World Maths Day - The JoJo Gnome Maths Challenge! - March 2023

This morning the children took part in the JoJo Gnome Maths Challenge to celebrate World Maths Day!

Homepage for JoJo Gnome created by Jo Hall

First the children were split into teams.  Each team had a selection of 'treasures'.  They had to find out how many treasures they had.  The children began by trying to count them all but soon realised that this wasn't easy as they were in a bit of a mess!  They then worked as a team to put them into a line.  This made it much easier to count accurately.  

Their second challenge was to make an obstacle course with their treasures.  This was great fun.  "We are playing the floor is lava!" they called.  The children had some parts (long foam pieces) that kept blowing away.  They soon realised that if they put something heavy on top it would keep them in place.

The third challenge was to sort their treasures by shape.  The language was amazing as the children worked together sorting cylinders, cubes and cuboids.

Oral Hygiene : 24th February 2023

Oral Hygiene

We set up an experiment to see what happens to our teeth when we drink different liquids.  We placed eggs in water, milk, orange juice and fizzy over night to see what happened to their shell, as this is similar to tooth enamel.  We found that the water and milk stayed the same but the egg in orange juice lost its enamel and so did the one in fizzy drink, which also had spots!

 We concluded that it is best to drink water or milk and that we MUST only drink juice and fizzy occasionally and brush our teeth twice a day to avoid cavities.

 Dinosaurs : February 2023

You’ll never guess what…..it’s happened again!

Robin and Wren Class arrived at school to find a terrible mess.  We looked for the clues and wrote a list to help us solve the mystery of who….or what, had been in our classrooms!

Have a look for yourself.  What do you think?



Traditional Tales : February 2023

What a surprise we all had when we arrived at school to find that we had been visited.  But who had been in our classrooms?  Robin and Wren class searched for the clues; a glass slipper, a wand, some magic beans, a picnic basket and a red cape, a bowl of porridge and a strand of golden hair, plus other clues.  The children wrote their lists and decided that some fairy tale characters had been in our classrooms.  “It must be Goldilocks because she has golden hair and the bears, that’s baby bear’s porridge!”

A few days later the children received a letter from the Little Old Lady.  She wanted to make some gingerbread men but couldn’t find her recipe.  We made our own gingerbread men and then wrote her a list.  However, our quests did not end there!  Next we made get well cards for Red Riding Hood’s granny and wanted posters to warn people about the Big Bad Wolf!  Finally, the King asked us to design invitations for his Royal Ball.  We practiced our own ballroom dancing and finished our topic by holding a Royal Ball and banquet.