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Year 5 and 6 girls' football - 17th October 2024

On Thursday 17th October, Miss Bryant took the Year 5 and 6 girls' football team to Bridgwater College and the girls took part in their first football competition of the year. Many Year 5's had taken part in an event at Bridgwater College last year and it was another great experience for all girls, who progressed fantastically during the afternoon. 

We would like to thank all parents of both football teams for helping transport their children to and from the events. 

Here are some photos:


Year 5 and 6 mixed football - 3rd October 2024

Our first event of the year took place on 3rd October 2024. Mr Parrington took a team of Year 5 and 6's to Bridgwater College for a local football competition. The children worked together incredibly well and did themselves very proud. 

Here are a couple of photos:


Health and Sports Week parent feedback

It is always lovely when I receive feedback from parents about sports events, fixtures, PE or other activities. 

Here is the feedback I received from a couple of parents following our Sports Days this year. As always, if you have any feedback for any of our events, please email this to the school office who will pass on to me. Thank you.

Parent one. 

I just wanted to email and state what a credit your year 06 students were in supporting the reception children, one child in particular was absolutely fantastic. She was so engaging, and happy to encourage the children - she reassured my nervous reception daughter. 

Parent two.

I just wanted to email & say a big thank you to some of the year 6 children yesterday. It was a long day for ......... at sports day but in the afternoon so many of the year 6 helpers were so amazing with entertaining her. She got to do her own running races, even an egg & spoon race which was so lovely & meant I got to watch ........... do his races instead of trying to keep ......... occupied. They were all a credit to the school.

Health and Sports Week video

Here is a video of our Health and Sports week, produced by the amazing Mrs Halley. Enjoy! 



Health and Sports Week - Olympic torches! June 2024

Well done to all children who have taken part in the Olympic torch competition. It has been a real pleasure looking at these in detail with the school council members, Alfie (Heron) and Storm (Eagle), and witnessing all of the hard work the children have put in to completing this at home. A big thank you to all parents and carers for your help with this project. All children receive 5 team points for entering and in the next Key Stage celebration assembly, winners and runner-ups will receive their prizes.

Here are some photos:

Health and Sports Week - Kirsty Way visit! 24th June 2024

Today, we had a very special visitor: GB Double Mini Trampolinist, Kirsty Way joined us for the morning as part of a whole-school celebration. Firstly, she gave an inspirational assembly to all children and staff, detailing her route into her sport, her achievements, pathways and crucially, teaching the children that success isn't always a smooth and straight road. The children watched some of Kirsty's incredible routines as well as some falls, and also got to see some of her medals and hear some of her stories. After, the children enjoyed taking part in some circuit training with Kirsty, which included spotty dogs, star jumps, press ups and mountain climbers. 

Here are some of the photos from today. Please refer to your class page for other photos of the day if you can't spot your child's class here:


Year 5 and 6 swimming gala - 4th June 2024

On Tuesday 4th June, Mrs Fletcher and I took a group of Year 5's and 6's to compete against other schools in a local swimming gala. The event was incredibly well organised by John Irish and all staff at 1610, who ensured the event ran incredibly smoothly and was thoroughly enjoyable for all. Our children showed brilliant team spirit, perseverance and were encouraging of each other and other schools. All children showed endurance and stamina in their swimming and effort through wanting to compete in extra races and all tried their absolute best in the races they swam in. A fantastic effort from all: Mrs Fletcher and I were very impressed and cannot wait for the next one!

A very big thank you also goes to all parents and carers who took the time out of their day to transport their child to and from the event - this is very much appreciated. Thank you.

Here are a couple of photos of our team on our return to school:

Year 3 and 4 girls' football - 21st May 2024

On Tuesday 21st May, some girls from Years 3 and 4 took part in a football tournament at Bridgwater College. The day consisted of the children taking part in some football matches against other schools. It was noted by myself, Mrs Fletcher and Mrs Allmark, the fantastic behaviour and effort given by all children throughout the morning of matches on what was a hot day! The children showed brilliant perseverance, determination, resilience and teamwork skills to work together, communicating and improving their ability in each game that passed. Well done all! We look forward to the next opportunity!

Here are some photos:


Recent out-of-school sports success

I have recently been made aware of two fantastic achievements that have been achieved by some of our pupils in some out-of-school sports events. I am very proud of these children and would like to congratulate them on their successes.

Firstly, On Saturday 27th April, Harry S & Kohen E played for their local team: Middlezoy Rovers (Lancaster team) and they beat all other teams in the under 9 category around Bridgwater, Taunton and Minehead  to win the the Under 9s cup finals tournament. I've heard that they’ve worked extremely hard all season - and ultimately this has been shown by winning their cup finals. Well done boys. An amazing achievement. 

Another great sporting success is the achievements of Bethanie E and Oliver S in their cross-country performances this year. They represented Sedgemoor in the cross-country finals after being selected due to their outstanding performances in the school cross-country events this year. Well done to both children - this is brilliant. 


Year 5 and 6 Rugby - 11th March 2024

On Monday 11th March, some children from Year 5 and 6 represented the school in a tag-rugby tournament. It was a great experience for the children - we really are focusing this year on participating in as many events and fixtures as we can and the children all gained valuable skills, knowledge and experience from this event. 

The reports back from Mr Parrington and Miss Davies about the children's effort, determination and concentration was fantastic and we are looking forward to our next events in the Summer term. Keep your eyes peeled! 

Here are some photos from the tournament:


Whole school fencing - 27th February 2024

On Tuesday 27th February, the whole school enjoyed a fencing session delivered by a sports coach from The Sports Project. 

The children enjoyed the session and as you can see by their faces, body position and foil position, we have some upcoming, competitive fencers in our school!

Here are some photos from our day:

Year 3 and 4 Football - 6th February 2024

On 6th February, some Year 3 and 4 girls attended Bridgwater College for a football festival. The girls played against other schools and enjoyed themselves from start to finish! It was a fantastic morning and all children showed brilliant behaviour, listening skills, effort and determination. They were a pleasure to take and a massive thank you to Mrs Fletcher and Mrs Allmark for attending with us and making the morning so special!

Here are some photos from the day and a few quotes from parents about the morning (thank you very much to the parents who provided us with some feedback about the day: 


"_____ really enjoyed the girls football tournament, she said it was so much fun and she would now like to join a football club. She has already asked if there will another tournament soon and if she can play again."


"My daughter, _____ enjoyed a lot yesterday. She told me about her experience how Mrs Bryant helped and supported her throughout the match . She said she would love to be a part of the team next time. Thank you so much for building confidence and love for the sports for ____. I truly appreciate the staff of St Johns St Francis CoE school for conducting such activities."


"_____ really enjoyed playing yesterday, she was so excited and really enjoyed the experience, she has not stopped talking about it and would definitely like to do this again, thankyou. I would just like to personally thank Miss Bryant and Mrs Fletcher for letting me join them I really do appreciate this and the girls were so well behaved, they couldn't have represented the school any better well done."



"My daughter, _______, attend the football yesterday and all evening she was saying how much fun she had and really enjoyed it! She has said if the opportunity came up she would love to do it again. Thank you for organising it and taking her."


"Thank you ever so much for taking _____ on the football event yesterday at Bridgwater College. _____ absolutely enjoyed the event and said that she has learnt new football skills and positions of the game. She got to try out being a goal keeper too. ___ also enjoyed learning a bit more about the game and how to play it correctly."

Year 3 Football - 30th January 2024

On 30th January, some Year 3's participated in a football tournament at BCA. The children played some matches against other teams and I hear, from Mr Parrington, that the children worked really hard as a team and enjoyed the competition! 

Well done boys! 

Here are some photos from the event:


Year 5 Bikeability - January 2024

Well done to the children in Year 5 who completed their Bikeability courses this week, in the seasonally cold weather!

Clare and Amy from Somerset Road Safety, who led the courses commented:

'enthusiastic groups, lovely to see their confidence grow, they enjoyed being out of school on their bikes learning about the road environment. Thank you to the school for making the Bikeability team feel welcome. Professional support so the children got the most from the courses. We look forward to working with you all next time!'

The children who took part also commented:

'I would have never learned this anywhere else' - Bethanie

'I would love to do this again' - Evie P

'I love it' - Evie W

'Interesting, helps learn the roads, signs and what they mean' - Amelia

'Helps me know how to communicate with drivers' - Alfie

'Feel more confident riding my bike' - Alana

Our very grateful, and HUGE THANKS go to Mrs Edmends and Mrs Zeffiretti for assisting the groups, and of course to Clare and Amy from Somerset Road Safety, who provided the children with these invaluable lessons to stay safe while cycling on the roads.

We are delighted to confirm that we have secured two further courses this year for Year 5, and further details will be sent out to parents/carers in April regarding this.

Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 cross-country: 13th and 14th December 2023

On 13th and 14th December, some children in KS2 attended the latest cross-country races at Bridgwater College Academy. It was so lovely hearing so many stories from the children and especially catching up with those who doubled up and attended the disco as well! I know how tiring it is running at the end of a term (I've just completed a half marathon on the first Sunday of the holidays) so I really applaud all children (and parents) who put in such a great effort to make the last race of 2023! 

There will be some more cross-country events in the new year so keep your eyes peeled for those! 

Here are some photos from the two races (thank you to parents and carers for sending those in via the school office):


Year 5 and 6 basketball: 27th November 2023

On Monday 27th November, three children in Year 5 and 6 took part in a basketball tournament against other schools at Robert Blake. The children did fantastically well to win two matches out of the four they played and worked incredibly well as part of a team. The children were supported by Mr Parrington at the event. Well done boys!

Here are some photos the tournament:


Year 4 football: 21st November 2023

On Tuesday 21st November, Year 4 went to BCA to take part in a Year 4 football tournament. The children were supported by Miss Webber and Mrs Tolton, who reported back to me that the children gave 100% effort in all of their matches and most importantly, had fun! Well done to all who attended. 

Here are some photos of the children:


Years 5 and 6 sports hall athletics: 16th November 2023

On Thursday 16th November, 22 Year 5's and 6's went to BCA for a brilliant morning of sports hall athletics. The children all took part in some track races, which consisted of: relays, obstacle and running races. They also participated in field events: javelin, speed bounce, vertical jump, long jump, chest pass and triple jump. The children were fantastic role models and representatives of our school with their impeccable behaviour. Thank you to Mrs Davies and Major Rouffet for attending with us. 

Here are some photos of the morning:


Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 cross-country: 19th October 2023

On Thursday 19th October, some very brave, dedicated and enthusiastic children (and parents who transported them!) took part in a cross-country event on a very rainy and soggy afternoon at Brymore. The children did incredibly well considering the weather was not favourable to runners (I've been there many times during some very soggy runs myself!) 

A very well done to all children. We are so proud of you for giving it a go and showing such dedication. A massive thank you to all parents who braved the conditions too.


Year 6 Football: 12th October 2023

On Thursday 12th October, Miss Bryant took some Year 6's to Bridgwater College for a football tournament. The team played three matches in their group and impressively won two matches and drew one. They showed excellent teamwork and respect towards the Bridgwater College student referees and the opposition. All players were vital to the successes and many played a variety of positions as we used our subs, allowing good rotation. 

Here are the results from our group games:

SJSF v Kingsmoor 1-0 (win)

SJSF v Eastover 1-1 (draw)

SJSF v St Andrews 2, 5-0 (win)

In the next round, we qualified as one of the top three teams and went into our final two matches playing for first, second and third overall. Two very tight games resulted in us drawing one (0-0 v St Mary's) and losing one (1-0 v Hamp).

We finished in 3rd place out of 12 teams and I am incredibly proud of the resilience, dedication, teamwork and respect shown by all players during the afternoon. Brilliant role models for St John and St Francis. 

Here are some photos of the afternoon:


Year 5 and 6 Girls Futsal: 3rd October 2023

On Tuesday 3rd October, Miss Bryant took some Year 5 and 6 girls to BCA for a futsal tournament. The girls had copious amounts of energy and enthusiasm and were incredibly proud to represent the school. As we progressed through each match, the girls gained confidence, knowledge, skills and most importantly, their smiles increased in size too! Well done girls! Here are our match results:
SJSF v Otterhamton 0-0 (Draw)
SJSF v BCA 1-1 (Draw)
SJSF v St Mary's 1-1 (Draw)
SJSF v St Joseph's BOS 0-1 (Lost)
Some of the girls will be reading a match report in assembly next week. We are looking forward to our next event. Miss Bryant.
Please see some photos of the evening below:


Year 4 Cricket Trip: 13th September 2023

On Wednesday 13th September, I arranged for Year 4 to attend The Somerset Cricket Foundation Schools' Day at The County Cricket Ground in Taunton. It was the first event of the school year in our local community and it was a great opportunity for the children to experience a day at the cricket and become inspired by our local players!
They watched an exciting game between Western Storm and Central Sparks, met the players and took part in some cricket skills activities. Some of our Year 4 girls were even lucky enough to lead the players onto the ground as the guard of honour! These photos show how much fun Year 4 had during the day!